Gold Medal Software 2
Gold Medal Software Volume 2 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Master Copy -- MCP.EXE -- The Better XCOPY
Version 1.10
July 3, 1993
Copyright (C) 1993 Michael Paul Johnson
MCP (Master Copy) is kind of like XCOPY, but it normally only
overwrites older files and it can move files. It was written
primarily for use in keeping directory structures shared by
different people (or by the same person on different computers)
in synchronization with each other. It is also a quick way to
implement disk mirroring style backups.
If you have a PostScript printer, you can print this document by
copying MCP.PS to it. If not, use MCP.TXT.
MCP is a DOS command line utility with a syntax that is an
extension of the XCOPY that comes with DOS:
MCP source [destination] [switches]
Switches can be:
/A = copy only files with Archive bit set (leave source archive
bit set).
/B = ask permission Before overwriting each existing destination
/C = Copy & overwrite all files except those with identical
date, time & size.
/D = copy files with Date the same or later than Date given
/D:mm-dd-yyyy /D:dd.mm.yyyy /Dmm/dd/yy or /Ddd.mm.yy.
/F = Force overwrite of system, hidden, and read only files.
/H = Copy system and Hidden files as well.
/J = Just copy files that already exist in destination
/L = List lots of loud verbose output (for troubleshooting).
/M = copy only files with archive bit set (Modify source archive
/N = No overwrite.
/O = Overwrite destination files.
/P = Prompt before copy.
/Q = Quiet (report only errors).
/R = Rename or move files.
/S = /E = recurse through Subdirectories (& create Empty ones).
/T = Stop Twirling "propeller" (useful for redirection).
/U = Update (overwrite only older files -- the default mode).
/V = This switch doesn't cause an error message, but it doesn't
do anything. It is included so that batch files written for
XCOPY can use MCP with the same switches. (/V turns verify on
in XCOPY). To turn on verify, use the DOS command VERIFY ON
before using MCP.
/W = Wait for keystroke before starting copy
/? = Show help screen.
On the command line, source is a file name or directory name,
which may optionally include drive and path. It may also
include DOS wild cards ? and *. If the source is a drive or
directory, the file specification *.* is assumed.
The destination is a file name or directory. If no destination
is specified, the current directory is assumed. If there are
wild card characters in the destination file name, they will be
filled in with the corresponding characters in the source file
name. If it is not obvious if the destination is a file or
directory, you may be asked which you meant. To ensure that the
destination is interpreted as a directory instead of a file, end
the directory name in "\" or ensure that the destination
directory already exists. If the destination directory does not
exist, it will be created.
Switches all start with "/" (not "-", since - is a valid file
name character in DOS), and may be before, between, and/or after
the source and destination. Switches may be combined. In case
of a conflict between switches, the one that is farthest to the
right on the command line takes precedence. For brevity,
command line switches may be run together after a single "/".
Switches are not case sensitive.
/A (Archive) and /M (Modify archive) both specify that only
files that have the DOS directory archive bit set (indicating
that they have been changed since they were last backed up)
should be copied. /A does not alter the archive bit on the
source file. /M clears the archive bit of the source file to
indicate that it has been backed up. The archive bit of the
destination file is always set when using MCP. These options
can be used for backing up data when the largest file you want
to back up will fit on your destination media. If the largest
file you want to back up is bigger, a regular backup program is
more appropriate than MCP.
However, for some small but important files, backing up with a
copy command like MCP makes more sense, because the file itself
is not altered, making restoration possible even without the
original backup program.
For example,
copies all files in C:\WORK\DOC to the floppy disk in A: that
have not been marked as backed up.
/B (ask Before overwrite) causes MCP to stop and ask if you want
to copy each file for which the destination file already
/C (Copy & overwrite all but identical date, time & size) will
cause all destination files with the same name but different
(older or newer) date & time or different size (smaller or
larger) to be overwritten.
/D (Date) is always followed by a date, with no space in between
the /D and the date. The colon following the D is optional.
The order of the date is month day year if you use "/" or "-" to
separate the numbers in the date. If you use "." to separate
the numbers in the date, the order is day month year. The year
can be specified with either the last two digits or all four
digits. If you specify the last two digits, the year is assumed
to be in the range 1980 through 2079. The month must be
expressed as a number between 1 and 12. Leading zeros on month
and day are optional.
For example, the following commands all copy everything with a
file date on or after December 25, 1991 from the current
directory to D:\SAVE\.
MCP /D12/25/91 *.* D:\SAVE\
MCP /D:12/25/91 *.* D:\SAVE\
MCP *.* D:\SAVE\ /D12/25/1991
MCP /D12-25-91 *.* D:\SAVE\
MCP *.* /D12-25-1991 D:\SAVE\
MCP /D25.12.91 *.* D:\SAVE\
MCP /D:25.12.1991 *.* D:\SAVE\
/F Forces overwriting of Hidden, System, and Read Only files.
WARNING: use this option with caution. It is very useful for
some situations, but could have some undesired side effects if
you overwrite some files of this type.
/H (Hidden & system) allows files with the system and hidden
attribute to be copied. Note that the XCOPY that comes with
MS-DOS 5.0 and MS-DOS 6.0 will not copy hidden files, but
earlier versions will. The system and hidden attributes will be
applied to the destination files when they are present in the
source files. Note: copying the two hidden system files from a
boot drive to another drive will not necessarily make the
destination bootable. Use the DOS SYS command for that
/J (Just existing) causes only those files that already exist in
the destination directory to be copied over (and then only if
they are older, the /o switch is used, or the /b switch is used
and you answer Y for yes).
/L (Loud) causes extra screen output to be generated, including
the names of all files that are skipped.
/N (No overwrite) prevents any destination files from being
overwritten, regardless of the file dates and attributes
involved. The default is to allow overwrites of destination
files with an earlier file date. This is the opposite of /O
(Overwrite always).
/O (Overwrite always) causes destination files to be overwritten
regardless of its file date. The default is to allow overwrites
only of destination files with an earlier file date. This is
the opposite of /N (No overwrite).
/P (Prompt) asks you if you want to copy each file with a Y/n
prompt. "N" or "n" will cause the file to be skipped. Most
other keys, including "Y" and "y" will cause the file to be
copied. The "Enter" key need not be pressed after the "y" or
For example,
MCP /P *.* A:
lets you pick exactly which files you want to copy to drive A:,
one by one.
/Q (Quiet) suppresses all screen output except for error
messages and the help screen in response to a command line error
or /?.
For example,
in a network login script would be a subtle way to back up some
critical directory on a user's hard disk to a network directory,
where it could be moved to tape or something.
/R (Rename or move) causes files to be renamed if the source and
destination are on the same disk, or copied then the original
deleted (after a successful copy) if the source and destination
are on different disks. If the copy fails, the original is left
intact. When used with the /S option, emptied subdirectories
are not removed.
For example,
moves every .DOC file in C:\STUFF\ to D:\OLDJUNK\.
/S or /E (Subdirectory copy) copies files and subdirectories
from the destination to the source, making subdirectories as
needed. Empty subdirectories are created as well. Using /S
and/or /E on the command line of MCP is the same as using both
/S and /E on the command line of XCOPY.
/U (Update) overrides a previous /o, /b, or /n on the command
line and returns MCP to its default handling of existing
destination files (overwrite them only if they are older).
/V does nothing. To turn verify on, use the command VERIFY ON
before running MCP.
/W (Wait) causes the prompt "Press a key when ready to start
copy..." to be displayed, and the program to pause until you hit
a key before starting the copy process. This is for use with
floppy only systems, where the MCP command may reside on a disk
other than the one you want to do the copy on.
/? (Help) shows the help screen.
Since moving files is a fairly common operation, you may want to
define a doskey alias to move files (DOSKEY MV=MCP /R $*) or use
the MV.BAT batch file. If you are using a version of DOS prior
to 3.3, delete the @ from the beginning of the MCP command.
This command lets you move files safely. Note that the original
file will not be deleted if it is marked as "system" or "read
only." Note also that when moving entire directory structures,
source subdirectories are not deleted. To delete entire
directory structures or to delete system or read only files, you
can use the DELETE command (also written by Mike Johnson).
Unlike XCOPY, MCP copies zero length files and, if copying
subdirectories, always copies empty subdirectories. It also
duplicates the file attributes (system, hidden, read only) of
the source file in the destination file, except for the archive
bit, which is always set in the destination file.
There are several prompts possible in MCP. At each of the
prompts, the default answer (if applicable) is indicated with a
capital letter. Answers to the prompts are not case sensitive,
and are all only one keystroke. Pressing "Enter" after a letter
is not required. The "Enter" key is ignored at all prompts
except for the "Press a key when ready to start copy . . ."
prompt caused by the /W option. In addition to the listed
responses at any prompt, "Esc", "Ctrl-C", and "Ctrl-Break" will
terminate MCP. "Ctrl-Break" will also terminate a copy in
progress, even if the program is not looking for an answer to a
filename Y/n?
This is the format used in asking if you want to copy a
particular file when you put /P on the command line. "N" means
that you do not want to copy the file, and most other keys
(including "Y") mean that you do want to copy the file.
Only 512 bytes available on A:. filename requires 1234 bytes.
Retry with new disk, Try new disk later, Skip, or Cancel
If your destination is on a fixed disk, press "S" to skip just
this file or "C" to cancel and exit MCP. If your destination is
a removable disk, you may skip the current file or cancel as
with a fixed disk destination. You may also wish to change
disks and then press "R" to retry copying the current file, or
press "T" to try copying the next file (which may fit) and add
the current file to a list to be tried again later (on a
different floppy disk). Most other keys act the same as "T".
No more room on drive A:
Retry with new disk, Skip or Cancel (R/s/c)?
Your destination disk has no more room on it. Change the disk
and press "R" to retry, or "C" to exit the MCP program.
Error writing to filename.
Retry, Skip, or Cancel (r/S/c)?
MCP encountered one of many possible errors (insufficient
network rights, bad disk sectors, hardware failures, disk full
even though it had enough room to start the copy, etc.). "R"
restarts the copy from the beginning of the file. "S" skips
this file and tries the next. "C" cancels the copy and exits
Does destination specify a File name
or Directory on the target (f=File, D=Directory)?
The destination directory is not an existing directory and the
name does not end with "\", and there may be more than one
source file (indicated by wild cards in the name or a /S or /E
switch). Press "F" if you intended that the destination is a
file name, or "D" if you intended that the destination is a
directory. If you decide that the command line was in error,
press "Esc".
Press a key when ready to start copy . . .
You used the /W option. Press "Esc", "Ctrl-C", or "Ctrl-Break"
if you decide you really didn't want to copy anything after all,
or press any other key to start the copy process.
No matching files found.
No files matching the file specification you provided were found
to copy. Check the spelling of your source file(s), the
existence of those files, and the network rights pertaining to
those files.
You pressed Ctrl-Break, Ctrl-C, or Esc to halt the program.
Unable to create filename
The destination file name may have been on an invalid drive,
have contained invalid characters, been in the root directory
with all directory entries filled, been on a network directory
with insufficient rights, been too long for DOS or the network
operating system to create, or some other similar problem.
Files may not be copied onto themselves.
The first step in copying a file is to create a new file of zero
length with name of the destination file. If the source and
destination files are the same, this action would destroy the
source file. It is also possible to get this error message when
the source or destination drive is invalid.
Destination path is too long.
The most likely cause of this error message is starting a
recursive copy command (like MCP /S C:\*.* C:\SUBDIR\). This
causes everything in the root directory of drive C: to be copied
and so on. Older versions of XCOPY allow this, the latest one
does not. MCP allows the recursion to go on until the resulting
path name exceeds DOS limits. This is a great way to fill up a
hard disk in a hurry.
Not enough memory to run MCP.EXE
Try reducing the number of TSR programs, or if you are shelled
out to DOS from another program, exit that other program.
Access denied.
DOS (or some network software) returned an error code indicating
that the operation was not allowed. Some things that can do
this is trying to create a directory when a file with the same
name already exists or trying to write to a network directory
where you have insufficient rights.
Bad file number.
Something strange is going on that confused DOS and/or MCP,
probably some error associated with a multitasking environment.
Attempt to copy more than one file to file.
MCP does not concatenate files (use DOS COPY to do that), so
copying more than one file to a single file means that all that
ends up in the destination file is the last file copied. If
this were done with the /R option, all but the last file would
be destroyed. Therefore, only one file is allowed to be copied
to a file. The trap that catches this is not foolproof
(although it is reasonably difficult to fool), so you should
still take care on the command line to avoid specifying such an
Unable to open filename
The specified file name may not be valid, or may be on a network
directory where you have insufficient rights.
Ran out of memory keeping track of files to retry.
Each file name source and destination that is "remembered" to
try later when you run out of room copying to a diskette takes
up some conventional RAM. After several thousand of these (more
or less, depending on how much RAM you have available), you may
run out.
When running MCP in a batch file, you can test for the following
values of ERRORLEVEL after MCP runs:
0 = Normal completion.
1 = No matching files found to copy.
2 = "Ctrl-Break", "Ctrl-C", or "Esc" pressed, or copy canceled
with "C".
3 = Unable to write to destination file.
4 = Attempted to copy file onto itself.
5 = Destination path is too long.
6 = Not enough memory to run.
7 = Access denied.
8 = Bad file number error returned by DOS.
9 = Attempt to copy more than one file to one destination file.
11 = Command line error or help requested.
12 = Unable to open input file.
13 = Ran out of memory keeping track of files to retry.
MCP comes from M as in Master or Mike's and CP as in the name
for the UNIX copy command. Call it whatever you like, by
renaming it, creating an alias with DOSKEY or a similar utility,
or by creating a batch file.
MCP does not do concatenation. It does not get the date format
from the DOS country table. It does not do Japanese dates in
year-month-day format. All of its error messages are in
English. It does not do a full screen interface. It doesn't
skip zero length files just because they are zero length. It
doesn't skip creation of empty subdirectories when /S is used.
/V does absolutely nothing (use the DOS command VERIFY ON before
MCP for the same effect). It doesn't remove any subdirectories,
nor does it preserve subdirectory attributes (like the hidden
bit) when copying subdirectories. It does not copy to devices
like LPT1 or PRN. It cannot copy from defective disk media. It
doesn't predict winning lottery numbers. On the other hand, it
does do some things that I always thought that XCOPY should have
Copyright (C) 1992-1993 Michael Paul Johnson. All rights
reserved. No warranty. All trademarks mentioned herein belong
to their respective owners. This is shareware. To register,
please send $15.00 (or $25.00 if you also want original disks &
printed documentation; $100 for site license for unlimited use
within one corporation) to:
Mike Johnson
PO BOX 1151
LONGMONT CO 80502-1151
Registration entitles you to support on the Rainbow Missions BBS
(303-938-9654) and by mail, and to notification of major
upgrades at discount rates. Minor upgrades (like 1.04 to 1.05)
are free for the downloading from the Rainbow Missions BBS, or
available to registered users on disk for $10.
Although I try to write perfect software, there is a chance that
I goofed up in some way. If you find this to be the case,
please let me know so that I can repair it. Because I can't
test every possible use of this software on every system that it
might be run on, and because I have no control over the way
shareware gets passed around, you use this software entirely at
your own risk. Prices are subject to change without notice.
1. Leave a message at the Rainbow Missions BBS, 303-938-9654.
The latest version of this software will be posted there, as
2. Write to Mike Johnson, PO Box 1151, Longmont CO 80502-1151,
3. Send electronic mail to CompuServe ID 71331,2332 or Internet
address mikej@exabyte.com.
4. Call Mike Johnson at home at 303-772-1773, Saturdays only.
1.00 5 Sep 92 Initial release.
1.01 7 Sep 92 Modified to allow recursive copies of hidden
1.02 9 Sep 92 Corrected handling of . and .. as source or
destination directory name.
1.03 20 Sep 92 Added /C switch to specify overwrites of all but
identical files.
1.04 22 Sep 92 Added /B switch to allow individual prompts for
1.05 5 Oct 92 Improved safety feature that prevents copying or
renaming more than one file to the same destination file. Added
/J switch to allow selective copying only of files that already
exist in the destination directory.
1.06 11 Dec 92 Added /T switch for better results with
redirected output.
1.07 14 Dec 92 Corrected command line scanning error that
sometimes caused /D switch to be falsely rejected.
1.08 6 Feb 93 Increased depth of recursion possible for better
network compatibility.
1.09 31 May 93 Corrected action with /P and /R when moving to a
destination on the same volume.
1.10 3 Jul 93 Added warning message and ERRORLEVEL 1 exit if
no source files match the specification on the command line.
Remit to: Ship to:
Mike Johnson ________________________________
PO Box 1151 ________________________________
Longmont CO 80502-1151 ________________________________
Contact person:
Quantity Description Unit Price Total
MCP registration with disk
________ & printed documentation. $25.00 ______
MCP single copy registration
________ only. $15.00 ______
Site license for unlimited use
of MCP at one corporation
(includes one disk & one
________ printed manual). $100.00 ______
Total ______
I prefer 5.25"____ 3.5"____ disks.
Note that the MCP software has been delivered and accepted by
the customer. Upon receipt of this paid invoice, the printed
documentation and disks paid for will be sent.